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Eurotox 2024

Instem at Eurotox 2024 - Gold Sponsor

Instem, Booth 30 & 31

Discover our innovative Study Management, Regulatory & In Silico Solutions

As the #1 preclinical software suite for organizations engaged in non-clinical evaluation studies, Provantis streamlines processes and workflows with straightforward, intuitive functionality for simple and complex studies within both GLP and non-GLP environments.

Learn more about the significant updates to our Pathology suite, including enhanced capabilities for digital pathology as well as Spotlighter™, our historical data solution that helps you find the hidden value in your reference data.

SEND Solutions
The most comprehensive and widely deployed set of software (submit™) and services (SEND Advantage™) supporting the creation and management of SEND datasets. Stop by our booth to learn more about our two latest software solutions, DefineNow™ for the creation and editing of define.xml files and GuidePro™, Instem’s Study Data Reviewer’s Guide generator.

Genetic Toxicology
Image analysis and data management solutions helping users better collect, manage, review and extract data while transitioning information into insight, utilizing our Comet Assay IV and Cyto Study Manager tools. Also, don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about our new Transgenic Rodent Assay module!

Advance™ Weight of Evidence Assessments 
Instem’s latest In Silico service which is re-imagining the way organizations perform carcinogenicity assessments via the 6 Weight of Evidence (WoE) factors under the ICH S1B guideline.

KnowledgeScan™ Target Safety Assessment (TSA) Service
Delivering comprehensive TSAs for clients around the world, enabling them to make faster, better-informed decisions on their drug targets.
Watch the KnowledgeScan Explainer video

Leadscope Model Applier™
Advanced informatics and prediction technology, together with comprehensive database solutions that are helping organizations effectively unlock valuable knowledge contained in both public and proprietary sources of research data.  

Predict™ In Silico Toxicology service
A leading edge, technology-enabled service that delivers a combination of powerful computation models with expert scientific review, to help clients predict chemical safety more quickly, efficiently and comprehensively.

An innovative technology platform that delivers a combination of pioneering, well-integrated computing modules, along with a comprehensive catalogue of non-clinical and clinical data. 

If you would like to schedule a discussion with us during Eurotox contact us at indicating your area of interest.

Instem Event Schedule

Tuesday, September 10

Exhibitor Hosted Event: Information into Insights: How to reuse your SEND data within an S1B submission

Tuesday, September 10, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (CEST)

This presentation will examine the recent ICH S1B (R1) WoE Addendum – which explains how the two-year rat carcinogenicity test can be removed from the testing program if there is sufficient data already available to discredit (or prove) a cancer risk. If a two-year rat carcinogenicity test will not add value, then it can be negated in lieu of a comprehensive WoE dossier.  Using a SEND package, which is already structured, standardized and machine readable, we show how the data can be interrogated to provide evidence for specific factors (e.g. histopathology and genetic toxicology) from the S1B guideline.

Attendees of this presentation will gain insights into the growing prominence of WoE approaches in safety assessments, learning specifically how SEND datasets can facilitate the incorporation of relevant preclinical data into specific factors.  Ultimately, we will provide a deeper understanding of how leveraging existing data can streamline safety assessments and potentially revolutionize regulatory practices.

Presented by: Frances Hall, PhD, Scientific Application Director, In Silico and Translational Science Solutions, Instem, Marc Ellison, Director, SEND Solutions, Instem and Brenda Finney, PhD, VP Translational Science, Instem

We are also pleased to be involved in the following posters:

Abstract Number/Poster Board number: #435 /P05-18

Abstract Title: Chemical classification and predictive models for the assessment of extractables and leachables

Presenting Author: Kevin Cross, PhD

Session Title: Computational Toxicology 

Session Date and Time: Monday, September 9, 9:30am

Abstract Number/Poster Board number: #633/P20-19

Abstract Title: Technology-enabled Approval Acceleration: Spotlighting the ICH S1B Weight of Evidence

Presenting Author: Frances Hall, PhD

Session Title: Regulatory Toxicology (REACH)

Session Date and Time: Tuesday, September 10, 12.00pm

Abstract Number/Poster Board number: #302 /P20-10

Abstract Title: Embracing Regulatory Compliance: Genetox meets Generation SEND

Presenting Author: Sofia Salazar Arenas

Session Title: Regulatory Toxicology (REACH)

Session Date and Time: Tuesday, September 10, 12:00pm

Abstract Number/Poster Board number: #22 /P20-01

Abstract Title: FDA SENDIG version 4.0 (the New SENDIG Version): Consideration on Additions and Changes on Histopathology-Related Data

Presenting Author: Anzai Takayuki, PhD

Session Title: Regulatory Toxicology (REACH) 

Session Date and Time: Tuesday, September 10, 12:00pm