Instem has developed Advance™ a NEW technology-enabled approach for assessing carcinogenicity based on the recently published ICH S1B Weight of Evidence (WoE) Addendum. If a WoE can be utilized, it can deliver huge benefits to organizations throughout the R&D pipeline including:

  • Significantly decreasing animal usage in line with the 3Rs initiative.
  • Potential to save $2-4 million in costs associated with the drug discovery process.
  • Empowering researchers with the confidence to progress drugs to market faster, reducing time to market by 3 - 5 years.

The Advance™ solution includes a comprehensive technology enabled carcinogenicity assessment report that mirror the six guideline-based WoE factors.

  1. Target Biology
  2. Secondary Pharmacology
  3. Histopathology
  4. Hormonal Perturbation
  5. Genetic Toxicology
  6. Immune Modulation

Advance™ provides organizations with comprehensive, industry approved, evidence-based carcinogenicity assessments, enabling them to streamline their WoE submissions and ultimately get their life-enhancing products to market faster.

Client Testimony

"The Advance™ services are a living embodiment of more than a decade of effort from scientists and regulators across the globe. We now have an avenue for leveraging a scientific-based argument to reduce the emphasis on animal use in the post marketing space without compromising patient safety. It’s an opportunity for us to embrace innovation and to deliver medicines in a more efficient way."
Advance™ Client - Global Pharma Organization

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To find out how Advance™ can help your organization why not take advantage of our free, no obligation consultation? Simply email us at to book your free consultation with one of our in silico team.

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